Delugional is out for Android!

After a long and patient labour, Delugional is released today for Android! You can download it right now from the Google Play Store.

If you like solving puzzles, or you like waterfalls, or if you like killing a few minutes on your phone from time to time, I invite you to try it out.

Heartfelt thanks to everyone who helped make this game a reality: Monserratt, for the lovingly hand-painted graphics; Yasamine, for the beautiful music and sound effects; and Rami, for his enthusiastic evangelism for the game. I’m indebted also to all the people who provided feedback at every stage of development, and particularly to the intrepid beta testers, particularly Chris, Myriam and Mark.

Delugional screenshot
When time permits (and another recent release is demanding much attention), I’ll post more about the development process. Until then, try Delugional!

Delugional screenshot

Author: David Oliver

I’m a developer, ex-physicist, and occasional game designer. I’m interested in history, society, and the sciences of human behaviour, as well as technology and programming.